Product Ideation

One of the most important stages in the Product Development Lifecycle is a Product Ideation step.

Performing actions during the Product Ideation process you set the foundation for your future digital product. It is really important to properly define the core idea behind your brand new digital product, not to forget about doing it in the right business context.

Product ideation is easy with the assistance.

Product Ideation definition

Ideate meaning can be identified as usage of human’s intelligence to produce new high-level explanations of brand new structures, systems, notions, etc.
Product Ideation is the process which is a part of product discovery phase aimed towards finding new potentially valuable combinations of features that can form or be added to a new digital product.

Product Ideation is a part of an Innovative product development

Product ideation process can be considered a driver of an innovative product development. Working on digitalization in your organization you probably feel that old solutions require totally new views, ideas, that certainly should lead to innovations in business.

Innovative product development starts from brainstorming, research, analysis and formulating hypothesises. These tools add-up to product ideation process and serve a purpose of figuring out what new new digital product ideas are potentially of value to existing problems and challenges.

Ideation for product innovation best methods

To get valuable outcome of product ideation when building innovative products one can use any method and instrument that serves its purpose. Product innovation requires combination of at least one of these principles:
solving a non-existing problem with a non-existing innovative solution. At the same time this leads to creating a totally new demand and new market where innovative products will be distributed
solving existing problem by leveraging a product innovation when creating a new solution. In this case product ideation is more about looking how it is possible to apply new innovative technologies or methodologies to create better ( e.g. cheaper, faster ) products to replace existing obsolete solutions.
existing product innovation. This is usually a good starting point in cases when a solution is already on the market and requires a thorough update. Product innovation is a gradual iterative improvement of existing system; methodologies, priorities and tools that work for this product innovation approach should be different from those used for two cases above.

Product Innovation through Product Ideation

I am here to support you in your product ideation process.

Product Innovation, whether you want to disrupt your industry or simply improve existing business metrics, is a very effective approach that helps thousands of companies to uniquely beat competitors. New product discovery usually takes some time and requires intellectual efforts of many individual professionals and experience, special tools( e.g. rapid prototyping ), time and proven experiments.

Reach out to me so I can help you with your Product Innovation.

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